Our research

Overview of our latest research.

Citizen Science

ATMEC currently hosts and collaborates in multiple long-term citizen science efforts in the Gulf of Thailand. These include a comprehensive sea turtle identification program, monitoring of stinging jellyfish and their impacts, and the all important diversity monitoring of remarkable sea slugs. To find out more check out our Citizen Science page.


A list of journal publications and technical reports by ATMEC staff from the past couple of years is available below. For a complete list of previous work or to access complete papers, feel free to contact us directly.

•Monchanin, C., Desmolles, M. and Mehrotra, R., 2025.
Homogenization and distinction of coral recruit communities between natural and artificial substrates at Koh Tao a decade after deployment. Aquatic Ecology, pp.1-12.

Mehrotra, R., Chaikaew, P., Haskin, E., Magson, K., Scott, C.M. and Doherty, R., 2024.
Environmental and ecological factors associated with stinging jellyfish at a tourism hotspot in the Gulf of Thailand. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, p.108992

Mehrotra, R., Monchanin, C., Desmolles, M., Stoddard, A. and Chankong, A., 2024.
Comparing rapid assessment methodologies in response to widespread epibiosis by Haliclona sp.(Porifera) on coral reef pinnacles in the Gulf of Thailand. Regional Studies in Marine Science, p.103708.

Mehrotra, R., Monchanin, C., Desmolles, M., Traipipitsiriwat, S., Chakrabongse, D., Patel, A., Kasemsant, M., Pitt, S.M., McCabe, T., McGrath, T., Marcellucci, C., Japakang, S., Real, T.T., Echaubard, P., Magson, K., Dowling, J., Dowling, S., Sriaram, S., Suraswadi, P., Jualaong, S., 2024.
Assessing the Scale and Ecological Impact of Derelict and Discarded Fishing Gear across Thailand via the MARsCI Citizen Science Protocol. Marine Pollution Bulletin 205.

Monchanin, C., Desmolles, M., Rivetta, K., Saramul, S., Charoenpong, C. and Mehrotra, R., 2024.
Spatiotemporal variations in marine macro-litter pollution along the shoreline of Koh Mun Nai, an uninhabited island in the Gulf of Thailand. Environmental Pollution, 352, p.124098.

Mehrotra, R., Caballer, M., Kaullysing, D., Jualaong, S. and Hoeksema, B.W., 2024.
Parasites or predators? Gastropod ectoparasites and their scleractinian host corals at Koh Tao, Gulf of Thailand, with the description of a new species. Symbiosis, 92, pp. 209-230.

Mehrotra, R., McGrath, T., McCabe, T., Chankong, A., Sangsawang, L., Desmolles, M., Monchanin,C., Jualaong, S. and Putchakarn, S., 2023.  
A cup half full: the first assessment on the distribution, ecology and need for conservation of the threatened Neptune’s cup sponge, Cliona patera, in the Gulf of Thailand. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, volume 195, Article number: 1475

•Mironenko Castelló, G., Jamodiong, E.A., Lalas, J.A.A., Mehrotra R., and Reimer, J.D., 2023.
Distribution and molecular phylogeny of the octocoral genus Nanipora (Helioporidae) in the western Pacific. Marine Biodiversity, 53.

•Klangnurak, W., Arunrugstichai, S., Manopawitr, P. and Krajangdara, T., 2023.
DNA-based species identification of shark fins traded in Thai markets. Conservation Genetics, pp.1-10.

Mehrotra, R., Chavanich, S., Monchanin,C., Jualaong, S. and Hoeksema, B.W., 2023.
Biodiversity, ecology, and taxonomy of sediment-dwelling Dendrophylliidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) in the Gulf of Thailand. Contributions to Zoology, 1, pp.1-42.

•Stuij, T.M., Cleary, D.F., Gomes, N.C., Mehrotra, R., Visser, P.M., Speksnijder, A.G. and Hoeksema, B.W., 2023
High diversity of benthic cyanobacterial mats on coral reefs of Koh Tao, Gulf of Thailand. Coral Reefs, 42(1), pp.77-91.

•Lim, K.C., White, W.T., Then, A.Y., Naylor, G.J., Arunrugstichai, S. and Loh, K.H., 2022.
Integrated taxonomy revealed genetic differences in morphologically similar and non-sympatric Scoliodon macrorhynchos and S. laticaudus. Animals, 12(6). DOI: 10.3390/ani12060681

•Clark‐Shen, N., Chin, A., Arunrugstichai, S., Labaja, J., Mizrahi, M., Simeon, B. and Hutchinson, N., 2022.
Status of Southeast Asia's marine sharks and rays. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13962

•Magson, K., Monacella, E., Scott, C., Buffat, N., Arunrugstichai, S., Chuangcharoendee, M., Pierce, S.J., Holmberg, J. and Araujo, G., 2022.
Citizen science reveals the population structure and seasonal presence of whale sharks in the Gulf of Thailand. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15121

Monchanin, C., Mehrotra, R., Haskin, E., Scott, C.M., Urgell Plaza, P., Allchurch, A., Arnold, S., Magson, K. and Hoeksema, B.W., 2021.

Contrasting coral community structures between natural and artificial substrates at Koh Tao, Gulf of Thailand. Marine Environmental Research, 172, 14pp.

Mehrotra, R., Caballer Gutierrez, M., Scott, C.M., Arnold, S., Monchanin, C., Viyakarn V. and Chavanich, S., 2021.

An updated inventory of sea slugs from Koh Tao, Thailand, with notes on their ecology and a dramatic biodiversity increase for Thai waters. Zookeys, 1042, pp.

•Kaullysing D., Mehrotra, R., Arnold, S., Ramah S., Allchurch A., Haskin E., Taleb-Hossenkhan N. and Bhagooli R., 2020.

Multiple substrates chosen in mass in situ egg deposition by Drupella in Mauritius, a first record for the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 86(4), pp.427-430.